Sunday, February 22, 2009

To blog or not to blog.. that is the question

I live in mortal fear of people reading my personal handwritten journal. So .. what am I doing here? Well, I guess there's a first time for everything. I doubt people will actually be interested in what I write here.

Me - I am the biggest bookworm you'll ever know. Books are my favourite way of escapism. I love daydreaming about living my favourite stories. (See blog title)

I think I used to be an introvert.. sometimes I still am. But a pack of wonderful friends stop me from always crawling back safely into my shell. I'm wayyyy too chatty now at times.

Sometimes I get reaaally argumentative. It's like I have to win the discussion! Especially one with my mom!! It exasperates people!

I sometimes have problems with voicing what I really feel. Ask me to psychoanalyse somebody else, I'll do that any day. But when it comes to myself I'm blind as a bat.

Wait... I'm getting too morbid. Sorry people, if I've made you go into depression! (if anyone actually reads this, that is)..
So what are my other likes... ? I love good food (too much if you ask me). I'm a vegetarian by choice 'cause though my family is supposed to abstain, not everyone does, so I'm given the freedom to say yes, to any offer to eat stuff that once lived and ate and ran around, but I invariably say no, thanks. I love watching cricket matches! (Who doesn't?) Recently, a good friend introduced me to the wondrousness that is tennis. I love swimming, though competitively, my skills leave a lot to be desired. Oh, I also love football!! Go Germany! Go Michael Ballack, and Lucas Podolski, and Miraslov Klose and all you awesome guys! I love listening to music on my iPod!! I'm too attached to it - it's like my iPod is a dog, or a cat! Pathetic, right?

I can't think of any more likes. So I'll write about dislikes now! I HATE reptiles of all sizes and shapes. Snakes, lizards.. eww. *shudder* I do not like people taking things for granted, or getting complacent. I most of all do not appreciate people who litter the road. Or any place for that matter.

That's all about me that I can post online... I dunno if I'll continue writing. All this was to help me while away a Sunday afternoon without dozing off. Hope I didn't make you doze off!